Stefan Albert Gechev Poet, playwright, prose writer, translator, literary critic and diplomat 1911 – 2000 OPAL Don’t touch an opal. Just look in awe upon it: it is a tear, shed by the angel, when he knew that he had not committed even one of many splendid mortal sins. A CONSESSION When I look at you it dawns on me that deep down, at the sea-bed there are monsters of frightening beauty. SUMMER A red butterfly is flying in the silken air and – poppy after poppy – lights the poppies. When the field is all aflame It’s frightened; and it flies and hides in the sun’s dark heart. A SHOCK A bashful white butterfly flits in the luminous air, follows a sunbeam and reaches for the sun. And lo and behold! It turns black , stark black. See "BELEJNIK+"