These poems were written between 1953-1960.

Translated by Stefana Roussenova


A Ballad of a Great Romance

If those eternal lovers,
Sun and Moon
were ever to meet
then what will light up their path?

A Confession

When I look at you

it  dawns on  me

that   deep down,

at the sea-bed

there are  monsters

 of frightening beauty.

An Ode to a Flower

An ancient book says
Life is but a dream,
and has no meaning
A flower read it
gave it a thought
and smiled quietly.

An Ode to Trees

Trees travel by way of their leaves.
Hence their anxious expectation
of Death
to dry and shrink their leaves,
of Autumn
to scatter them loose to the winds.


A Shock

A bashful white butterfly
flits in the luminous air,
follows a sunbeam
reaches for the sun.
And lo and behold!
It turns black ,
stark black.

A Fest

Under the dome of the sky,
amidst butterflies and smiles
girls with hearts like candyfloss,
boys with hearts like kittens..
An old woman at the window
looking at the dark backyard
listens to distant accordion music
stirring memories of a cheerful brook.